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Atlas Roofing

Gemini Tapered Edge Strip

Atlas Roofing Corporation

Atlas is pleased to add another great product to our Gemini Series of Pre-Cut Tapered Insulation, the Gemini Series Tapered Edge Strip (TES). Gemini TES are manufactured in our State of the Art Facilities and provide a polyiso solution to your positive drainage needs. Gemini Tapered Edge Strips are made with a closed cell polyiso foam core integrally laminated to reinforced, dimensionally stable facers. Gemini TES are available in a standard thickness to help you acheive positive drainage.
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview

  • Zero Edge: Smooth transition from tapered edge to roof surface

  • Dimensionally stable

  • Resistant to many solvents used in construction adhesives

  • Service temperatures in the range of -40° F to 200° F

  • Stronger and more durable than perlite and fiberboad
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Additional Information
Manufacturer: Atlas Roofing Corporation
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