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Beam Form Panels


Western Forms

(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview

  • Adjustable beam sill form is positioned to form a flat slab.

  • Adjustable beam sill form is positioned to form variable depth beams in increments of 25 mm.

  • Beam ledgers and ceiling forms are removed the next day, leaving beam sills and ceiling support forms in place supporting structures until strippin is authorized by a structural engineer.

  • Beam ledger forms can be adjusted in increments of 25 mm allowing for differential slab thicknesses.

  • Typical beam and ceiling form assembly allows beam and ceilings to ber cast monolithically. The beam ledgers and ceiling forms aer typically removed the following day.

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Beam Form Western Forms' beam systems can be assembled in many configurations to pour a variety of beam sizes with the same form. So you can reduce your investment and increase your productivity!
Additional Information
Manufacturer: Western Forms
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