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Croc Bloc 325g Wasp & Hornet Killer


Degil Safety

Effectively kills wasps, hornets, bees, ants, yellow jackets, and tent caterpillars in their nests from a distance without exposing yourself to the risk of being stung or bitten. Shoots a jet stream 20 feet allowing you to reach nests from a comfortable distance away
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview

  • Packaged: 14 Ounce/325 gram Aerosol cans.

  • Contains a knock down & a kill ingredient to stop insects on contact

  • Easier to reach out of the way places

  • Knocks flying insects out of the air

  • Residual kill effect for up to two weeks

  • Dielectric Strength 35 Kv

  • Insulates rather than conducting electricity

  • Flash point of 172° F

  • Safe to spray around hi-temperature street lamps, etc, with a greatly reduced chance of flashing
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Additional Information
Manufacturer: Degil Safety
For More Information on the Croc Bloc 325g Wasp & Hornet Killer, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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