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Pipe Hanger Model No. 5 SB-H - Galvanized


Miro Industries, Inc.

A "roller-bearing", "clevis hanger", or "band hanger" pipe support hanger, used to support roof-mounted gas pipes, HVAC piping, electrical conduit, solar piping and other mechanical piping. Unique design absorbs thermal expansion and contraction of pipes thus preventing damage to the roof membrane. Pipes rest on a polycarbonate, or steel roller, clevis hanger or band hanger. The pipe support base and all metal parts are made of stainless steel or hot-dip galvanized steel. Pipestand will accommodate up to 5" pipe (inside diameter) or up to 6" (outside diameter) pipes.
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview

  • Base Material: Galvanized

  • Size: The deck base is 12" x 16", and has a cradle width which allows up to 10 between the all-thread assembly.

  • Max Pipe Size: 5" inside diameter and 6" outside diameter.

  • Max Pipe Clearance: Support pipe from a low of 5" to a high of 18" in elevation above the roof membrane.

  • Max Load Weight: Maximum load weight not to exceed 170 lbs. per pipestand.

  • Spacing: Manufacturer's recommended spacing is not to exceed 10 foot centers depending upon the load. Do not exceed 170 lbs. load weight.
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Additional Information
Manufacturer: Miro Industries, Inc.
For More Information on the Pipe Hanger Model No. 5 SB-H - Galvanized, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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