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The Titan Impact 540 & 640 Airless Pump - Modified

P-Impact 540 640

Prime Resins

(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview
    These small, lightweight electric pumps can deliver any of the Prime Flex products as a single component material. Use in any combination with our 1/2" or 5/8" packers, bang-in ports or grout needle. Delivering 1.2 HP, the Titan Impact 540 & 640 are versatile and economical choices for chemical grout injection. Several models available. Includes a 685-H 4500 PSI High Pressure Valve and 50 feet of hose. Item #'s P-Impact 540, P-Impact 640.

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MODEL Titan 540 Titan 640
Power Requirement: Electric Electric
Output Pressure: 0-3200 PSI 0-3300 PSI
Max Delivery: .6 GPM .7 GPM
Discharge Hoses: 1/4" x 50' 1/4" x 50'
Additional Information
Manufacturer: Prime Resins
For More Information on the The Titan Impact 540 & 640 Airless Pump - Modified, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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