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K-400 Drum Machine


(click image to enlarge)
SKU / Product InfoQuantity
K-400 w/C-32 IW
K-400 w/C-31 IW
K-400 w/C-45 IW
K-400 w/C-44 IW
K-400 AF w/C-32 IW
K-400 AF w/C-45 IW
Quick Overview

  • Drum Capacity: 100' of 3/8" Diameter Cable, 75' of 1/2" Diameter Cable
  • Motor: Type 115V/60 Hz, Reversible, Split Phase, Rating 1/3 HP @ 1725 r/min, Amps 6.7

  • Weight (Machine Only): 45 lbs.

  • Length: 21" (24" with AUTOFEED)

  • Height: 23"

  • Width: 17"
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  • Integrated Transport Cart – allows for easy movement to and from the job site. Heavy-duty, over-molded rubber wheels easily navigate over bumps and up stairs.

  • Integrated Telescoping Handle – provides high-handle height during transport. Handle locks in low position during drain cleaning operation or during transport to minimize space requirements.

  • Cable Control System – causes the drum to stop spinning when the blade becomes lodged in a blockage, limits potential for cable to flip over in the drum and helps to indicate to operator when blockages are encountered.

  • “Solid Core” Cable – uses tough 3/8" or 1/2" Integral Wound (IW) solid core cable that is rugged and kinkresistant. Each size comes in several lengths and utilizes a variety of the RIDGID quick-connect cutters.

  • AUTOFEED® – offered as an accessory, this patented, automatic cable feed powers cable in and out of the drain. Reverse the direction of the AUTOFEED and the cable feeds back into the drum.
  • Additional Information
    Manufacturer: Ridgid
    For More Information on the K-400 Drum Machine, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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