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Inside & Outside Corners


Gates and Sons, Inc.

(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview

    Pin 'n Lock Outside Corner

    • Utilizing 1" diameter coil rod with double 1" coil nuts on one end and #9 Anchor Lock claw on the other
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Collapsible Inside Breakaway Corner mounted on a #9 gang form showing the Gates retractible turnbuckle wheel for collapsing and expanding the inside corner.

Collapsible Inside Breakaway Corner mounted on a #9 gang form showing the Gates retractible turnbuckle wheel for collapsing and expanding the inside corner.

A plan view showing the Gates Collapsible Inside Corner in an expanded position.

Additional Information
Manufacturer: Gates and Sons, Inc.
For More Information on the Inside & Outside Corners, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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