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FlowDrain FG200
ACO Drain
FG100 is a versatile 3.75", general purpose, sloped, trench drain system with grates easily secured by means of ACO's patented boltless locking device, QuickLok. The 3m channel units are lightweight and easy to install.
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview
Female closing cap:
Fits inside shallow/female end of all channels. Manufactured from polypropylene with choice of black coated, stainless or galvanized steel end frame. Guides aid cutting to correct height. Seal using appropriate flexible sealant.
Male closing/outlet cap:
Fits outside deep/male end of all channels. Manufactured from polypropylene with choice of black coated, stainless or galvanized steel end frame. Guides aid cutting to correct height. Seal using appropriate flexible sealant. Optional bell end connection to fit 4” or 6” Schedule 40 pipes. Note: Can be used as an inlet cap if female socket is cut from channel. For depth 401-404 channels ACO recommends removal of the bell end to ensure adequate pavement material coverage.
F660 & F880 catch basins:
One piece fiberglass catch basins with choice of black coated, stainless or galvanized steel frame, lockable steel bar or ductile iron slotted grate and plastic trash bucket. Accessories include 4”, 6” and 8” Schedule 40 pipe adapters and channel collars to connect channel to catch basin.
F900 in-line catch basin:
In-line catch basin with choice of black coated, stainless or galvanized steel frame, grate and plastic trash bucket. F900 catch basin is fitted with removable QuickLok bar to secure grate. Accessories include 4”, 6” and 8” pipe adapters and channel collar.
Vertical outlet adapter:
4” or 6” Schedule 40 vertical outlet adapter manufactured from brown polypropylene. Can be secured to underside of channel using appropriate flexible sealant to provide vertical bell end for easy attachment to 4” or 6” Schedule 40 pipe. Can be used anywhere along channel.
One meter channels:
Neutral channels in 3 depths to supplement the 3 meter channels for easier layouts. Choice of one meter black coated, stainless or galvanized steel frame connects to channel body using simple snap-fit studs.
Three meter channels:
1.0% sloped channels in 3 meter lengths and 10 depths which connect to create 30 meter (98’-5”) continuously sloping trench run. Neutral channels are available in 3 depths and can be used to create non-sloped runs or inserted in sloped runs to increase length. Choice of 3 meter black coated, stainless or galvanized steel frame connects to channel body using simple snap-fit studs.
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FlowDrain FG200
Additional Information
Manufacturer: ACO Drain
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