316 Cast Stainless Steel pumps with Shredder Action Impellers for Municipal, Industrial and Agricultural Waste-Water
Side discharge and non-clog single vane impellers for the passing of solids while delivering high volume of liquids through 2 - 6 inch pipe. The Shredder (SKX) type pumps leave solids slightly larger than if passed through a grinder pump. The shredding action is cause by using a cutting impeller with a Tungsten Carbide Tip, against a "spiral" shaped diffuser plate. The SKX -pumps have non-clog, single vane impellers designed for high volume and lift performance. All wear and "wet" parts such as impeller, wear-plate, oil housing, pump-housing and inner pump top are made of Cast 316 stainless material. The elastomers such as o-rings, lip seals and gaskets are made of FKM . Standard power cable is made of oil-resistant material. Special installation can be made with EPDM power-cable and elastomers. (BUNA (Nitril) also available).