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Rotating Battery Terminal Covers 415140


Sea-Dog Corporation

Injection Molded PVC

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    Satisfies U.S. Coast Guard requirements and American Boat and Yacht Council recommendations for prevention of accidental grounding of battery terminals. Made exclusively for integral marine terminals, the rotating top allows for versatility in the angle of the cable leads. This flexible positioning enables the cable to lead directly into the battery terminal without looping around to enter a boot in an awkward position.

    Technical Info :

    BulkDisplayABCDCable GaugeColorsWeightStd. Pack
    n/a415140-14-1/16"2-3/8"2-9/16"1-1/2"4, 2, 1Red/Black0.210 pr
    415141n/a4-1/16"2-3/8"2-9/16"1-1/2"4, 2, 1Red0.110 ea
    415142n/a4-1/16"2-3/8"2-9/16"1-1/2"4, 2, 1Black0.110 ea
    Additional Information
    Manufacturer: Sea-Dog Corporation
    For More Information on the Rotating Battery Terminal Covers 415140, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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