Professionals and DIYers everywhere rely on the quality of Amflo, Camel and Tru-Flate tire gauges, blow guns, tire hardware & air line hoses, reels, chucks, couplers, plugs, regulators, tire repair and tire hardware. Tru-Flate packaging combines color, eye-catching graphics and essential "how to use" information for added value to customers. Tru-Flate displays are versatile, with interchangeable headers, moveable hooks and pre-printed back-up cards. Includes: 17-351, 17-353, 17-395, 17-850, 17-369, 41-101, 21-123, 21-133, 21-143, 21-147, 21-323, 21-423, 21-467, 21-505, 23-403, 21-515, 21-535, 21-557, 41-300, 21-605, 21-707, 22-123.