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10/4 10' Seoow 14-30P L14-30R


Coleman Cable - CCI

(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview
    Product Features :-
    • Temporary Power Cords are manufactured using rugged 600-volt Type SEOW cable and provide a superior alternative to ordinary SO cords.
    • Type SEOW constructions provide greater abrasion/wear resistance for longer cord life and its lightweight will make job site transportation easier.
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Construction Parameters :-

Electrical Properties :-

Type:10/4 SEOOW
Conductors: 10 ga bare copper, 104/30 stranding
Jacket material: TPE, black
Overall cable O.D. (nom): 0.705 in.
Cord rating: Extra Hard Usage per the National Electrical Code
Cord length (nom): 10 ft.
Attachment plug configuration: NEMA 14-30P (dryer plug)
Cord connector configuration: NEMA L14-30R twist-to-lock
Plug material: PVC, black
Cord connector material: Nylon, white body with black backs
Operating temperature rating:-50 to +105 degree C
Operating environment:indoor
Operating voltage :125/250 VAC
Operating current (max):30 A
Additional Information
Manufacturer: Coleman Cable - CCI
For More Information on the 10/4 10' Seoow 14-30P L14-30R , [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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