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14/3 9' Stw Black Extension Cord W/3 Evenly Spaced Lighted Outlets


Coleman Cable - CCI

(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview
    Features & Application:-
    • Provide additional outlets for power distribution
    • Vinyl jacket resists moisture, abrasion, and prolonged exposure to sunlight
    • Reinforced blades help prevent accidental bending or breaking
    • Heavy-duty strain relief protects electrical connections resulting in longer cord life
    • General Indoor/Outdoor Cord for power equipment
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Construction Parameters:-

Electrical Properties:-

Cord type 14/3 STW
Conductor stranding 41/30 bunched bare copper
Cord jacket material PVC, black
Overall cable O.D. (nom) 0.530"
Cord rating Extra hard usage per the National Electrical Code
Attachment plug configuration NEMA 5-15P
Cord connector configuration NEMA 5-15R x 3, spaced 3 ft apart
Plug material PVC, clear
Connector material PVC, clear with neon power indicator light
Cable temperature rating -40 to +60°C
Nominal operating voltage 125 VAC
Maximum operating current 15A
Additional Information
Manufacturer: Coleman Cable - CCI
For More Information on the 14/3 9' Stw Black Extension Cord W/3 Evenly Spaced Lighted Outlets, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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