CertainTeed FlintBoard ISO-T WF Tapered Composite Polyisocyanurate/Wood Fiberboard Roof Insulation is manufactured in a tapered profile to offer the combination of high thermal value plus promotion of proper roof drainage. As with regular FlintBoard ISO WF, FlintBoard ISO-T WF features closed-cell polyiso bonded to a 1/2" high density wood fiberboard with a fiber reinforced felt facer on the bottom. In multi-layer roof system applications, FlintBoard ISO-T WF is installed over one layer of FlintBoard ISO in accordance with CertainTeed specifications.
FlintBoard ISO-T WF is offered in a variety of thicknesses, providing average long-term thermal resistance (LTTR) values from 5.8 to 15.0. Higher LTTR values can be achieved with layers of flat FlintBoard ISO. Available in 4' x 4' (1220mm x 1220mm) panels only.
Before installation begins, the roof deck must be firm, well attached, even, clean and dry. For detailed installation instructions please refer to the CertainTeed FlintBoard product brochure and to the CertainTeed Commercial Roof Systems Manual for installation details regarding FlintBoard Roof Insulation or click on the Installation Instructions link located on the left navigation area. Refer also to Technical Bulletin CT-ISO-08-02.