Topping compound is formulated for the second and third coats over wallboard joints, corner trims and fastener heads. It provides smooth sanding and workability with minimal shrinkage. Topping should not be used for embedding tape or as the first coat over drywall trims. Topping compound may also be used for hand texturing work. 62 lb / 28.1 kg Pail - Product Code: 309169
FINISHING JOINTS: Apply a thin layer of compound to the tapered edge. Press joint tape firmly into the compound, while centering it over the seam and embed with a broad knife. Sufficient joint compound must remain under the tape to ensure a proper bond. Allow to dry. Apply a second coat of joint compound over the embedding coat and feather out beyond the first coat. Allow the second coat to dry thoroughly prior to application of the finish coat. Spread the finish coat evenly over the second coat and feather to a smooth uniform finish. After each coat had dried, sand or sponge smooth prior to the application of the ensuing coat.
FINISHING BEADS AND TRIMS: Apply first coat of compound to all the bead and trim and properly feather out onto the panel. Wet sand, as necessary. Allow the compound to dry thoroughly prior to the application of the second coat. Apply the second coat and feather at least 2” beyond first coat, allow to dry completely and wet sand, if necessary. Apply the finish coat and extend the compound slightly beyond the second coat. When dry, sand as necessary to provide a smooth surface for decoration.
SANDING: Sand with a wet sponge, if necessary, to eliminate dust and scuffing of the wallboard paper. Remove high spots using as few strokes as necessary. Clean the sponge frequently during use. If dry sanding is necessary, use 150 grit sand paper or finer. Lightly sand imperfections while being careful to avoid scuffing the paper. When dry sanding, wear a NIOSH approved dust mask and eye protection.
DECORATION: Ensure that all surfaces to be decorated are thoroughly dry and dust free. Either a good quality drywall primer or an undiluted latex wall paint with a high solids content should be applied prior to painting, texturing or wallpapering. Adhere to all manufacturers’ specific directions for painting and decorating materials.