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Hydrotite For Construction Joints Waterstop


(click image to enlarge)
SKU / Product InfoQuantity
7(0.28) X 25(0.98)
7(0.28) X 25(0.98)
10(0.39) X 20(0.79)
10(0.39) X 20(0.79
10 (0.39) X 30(1.18)
30 (1.18) X 30 (1.18)
Quick Overview

  • Water and waste water treatment facilities

  • Primary and secondary containment structures

  • Tunnels and culverts

  • Dams, locks, canals, water reservoirs and aqueducts

  • Pipe penetrations

  • Swimming pools

  • Storage tanks

  • Retaining walls

  • Foundations

  • Slabs on grade
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Hydrotite is a state-of-the-art hydrophilic waterstop with unmatched durability and watersealing capacity. Comprised of Non-Bentonite, modified chloroprene rubber, Hydrotite expands up to EIGHT TIMES its original volume when exposed to water. This expansion creates an effective compression sealwithin joints of limited movement. Recognized worldwide, Hydrotite has a proven track record as a high quality and cost effective solution to your water containment needs. Leakmaster LV-1 is a single component water-swelling sealant with excellent and unique properties. Leakmaster may be applied in locations where conventional solid sealants cannot be easily applied.

Hydrotite Waterstop Physical Properties

Property Test Method Unit Hydrophilic Rubber Chloroprene Rubber
Minimum Typical Minimum Typical
Tensile Strength ASTM D412 lb/in2 350 366 1300 1570
Elongation ASTM D412 % 600 670 400 450
Hardness ASTM D2240 Shore A 52+/-5 54 50+/-5 50
Tear Resistance ASTM D624 lb/in 50 60.3 100 123
Specific Gravity ASTM D792 1.32+/-0.1 1.32 1.38+/-0.1 1.38

Leakmaster Physical Properties

General Properties

Appearance Putty-Like
Color Grey
Specific Gravity 1.30
Extrudability Within 20 seconds (at 23¡C)
Slump 3mm max. (at 23¡C)
Tack-Free Time Within 8 hours (at 23¡C, 60% R.H.)


Hardness 35 Shore A
Tensile Strength Tensile Strength
Elongation 1250%
Tear Strength 10 kgf/cm (56 lb/in)

Adhesion Properties

Hardness Steel Aluminum Mortar
50% Modulus (kgf/cm2) 4.5 64 psi 6.5 92 psi 6.5 92 psi
Max. Tensile Strength (kgf/cm2) 7.0 99 psi 12.2 173 psi 11.1 157 psi
Elongation at Break (%) 330 580 570
Additional Information
Manufacturer: Greenstreak
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