Self-adhesive HDPE waterproofing membrane with super tacky compound for use with patented, water-based System 4000 Surface Conditioner. Description: Bituthene® System 4000 is a 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) flexible, pre-formed waterproof membrane which combines a high performance, cross laminated, HDPE carrier film with a unique, super tacky, self-adhesive rubberized asphalt compound.
System 4000 Surface Conditioner is a unique, water-based, latex surface treatment which imparts an aggressive, high tack finish to the treated substrate. It is specifically formulated to bind site dust and concrete efflorescence, thereby providing a suitable surface for the Bituthene System 4000Waterproofing Membrane. Conveniently packaged in each roll of membrane, System 4000 Surface Conditioner promotes good initial adhesion and, more importantly, excellent permanent adhesion of the Bituthene System 4000Waterproofing Membrane. The VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content of this product is 91 g/L. Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Regulations limit the VOC content in products classified as Architectural Coatings. Refer to Technical Letters at for most current list of allowable limits.
Use Bituthene is ideal for waterproofing concrete decks where in-service temperatures will not exceed 130°F (54°C). It can be applied to split slab construction such as in plaza areas and parking decks. Interior uses may include mechanical rooms, laboratories, kitchens and bathrooms. (For below grade applications, see “Below GradeWaterproofing Bituthene System 4000.”) Bituthene is 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) thick, 3 ft (0.9 m) wide and 66.7 ft (20 m) long and is supplied in rolls. It is unrolled adhesive side down onto concrete slabs primed with System 4000 Surface Conditioner. Continuity is achieved by overlapping a minimum 2 in. (50 mm) and firmly rolling the joint. Bituthene is extremely flexible. It is capable of bridging shrinkage cracks in the concrete and will accommodate minor differential movement throughout the service life of the structure.
Safety, Storage and Handling InformationBituthene products must be handled properly. Vapors from solvent-based primers and mastic are harmful and flammable. For these products, the best available information on safe handling, storage, personal protection, health and environmental considerations has been gathered. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available at and users should acquaint themselves with this information. Carefully read detailed precaution statements on product labels and the MSDS before use.
Surface Preparation Surfaces should be structurally sound and free of voids, spalled areas, loose aggregate and sharp protrusions. Remove contaminants such as grease, oil and wax from exposed surfaces. Remove dust, dirt, loose stone and debris. Concrete must be properly dried (minimum 7 days for normal structural concrete and 14 days for lightweight structural concrete).If time is critical, Bituthene Primer B2 or Bituthene Primer B2 LVC may be used to allow priming and installation of membrane on damp surfaces or green concrete. Priming may begin in this case as soon as the concrete will maintain structural integrity. Use form release agents which will not transfer to the concrete. Remove forms as soon as possible from below horizontal slabs to prevent entrapment of excess moisture. Excess moisture may lead to blistering of the membrane. Cure concrete with clear, resin-based curing compounds which do not contain oil, wax or pigment. Except with Bituthene Primer B2 or Bituthene Primer B2 LVC, allow concrete to thoroughly dry following rain. Do not apply any products to frozen concrete. Repair defects such as spalled or poorly consolidated areas. Remove sharp protrusions and form match lines. For rough or uneven surfaces use Bituthene Deck Prep® as a repair and leveling agent. See “Bituthene Deck Prep” product information sheet for details. On masonry surfaces, apply a parge coat to rough concrete block and brick walls or trowel cut mortar joints flush to the face of the concrete blocks.
ConditioningBituthene System 4000 Surface Conditioner is ready to use and can be applied by spray or roller. For best results, use a pump-type air sprayer with fan tip nozzle, like the Bituthene System 4000 Surface Conditioner Sprayer, to apply the surface conditioner. Apply Bituthene System 4000 Surface Conditioner to clean, dry, frost-free surfaces at a coverage rate of 300 ft2/gal (7.4 m2/L). Coverage should be uniform. Surface conditioner should not be applied so heavily that it puddles or runs. Do not apply conditioner to Bituthene membrane. Allow Bituthene System 4000 Surface Conditioner to dry one hour or until substrate returns to its original color. At low temperatures or in high humidity conditions, dry time may be longer. Bituthene System 4000 Surface Conditioner is clear when dry and may be slightly tacky. In general, conditioning should be limited to what can be covered within 24 hours. In situations where long dry times may prevail, substrates may be conditioned in advance. Substrates should be reconditioned if significant dirt or dust accumulates. Before surface conditioner dries, tools should be cleaned with water. After surface conditioner dries, tools should be cleaned with mineral spirits. Mineral spirits is a combustible liquid which should be used only in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Do not use solvents to clean hands or skin.
Corner Details The treatment of corners varies depending on the location of the corner. For detailed information on Bituthene Liquid Membrane, see separate product information sheet.
Joints Properly seal all joints with waterstop, joint filler and sealant as required. Bituthene membranes are not intended to function as the primary joint seal. Allow sealants to fully cure. Pre-strip all slab and wall cracks over 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) wide and all construction and control joints with 9 in. (230 mm) wide sheet membrane strip.
Application on Horizontal Surfaces Apply membrane from the low point to the high point so that laps shed water. Overlap all seams at least 2 in. (50 mm). Stagger all end laps. Roll the entire membrane firmly and completely as soon as possible. Use a linoleum roller or standard water-filled garden roller less than 30 in. (760 mm) wide, weighing a minimum of 75 lbs (34 kg) when filled. Cover the face of the roller with a resilient material such as a 1/2 in. (13 mm) plastic foam or two wraps of indoor-outdoor carpet to allow the membrane to fully contact the primed substrate. Seal all T-joints and membrane terminations with Bituthene Liquid Membrane at the end of the day
Protrusions and Drains Apply membrane to within 1 in. (25 mm) of the base of the protrusion. Apply Bituthene Liquid Membrane 0.1 in. (2.5 mm) thick around protrusion. Bituthene Liquid Membrane should extend over the membrane a minimum of 21/2 in. (65 mm) and up the penetration to just below the finished height of the wearing course.
Flood Testing Flood test all horizontal applications with a minimum 2 in. (51 mm) head of water for 24 hours. Mark any leaks and repair when the membrane is dry. Before flood testing, be sure the structure will withstand the dead load of the water. For well-sloped decks, segment the flood test to avoid deep water near drains. Conduct the flood test 24 hours after completing the application of Bituthene waterproofing system. Immediately after flood test is completed, and all necessary repairs made, install Hydroduct® 660 Drainage Composite to protect the Bituthene membrane from traffic and other trades.
Membrane Repairs Patch tears and inadequately lapped seams with membrane. Clean membrane with a damp cloth and dry. Slit fishmouths and repair with a patch extending 6 in. (150 mm) in all directions from the slit and seal edges of the patch with Bituthene Liquid Membrane. Inspect the membrane thoroughly before covering and make any repairs.
Drainage Hydroduct drainage composites are recommended for both active drainage and protection of the membrane. See Hydroduct product information sheets.
Protection of Membrane Protect Bituthene membranes to avoid damage from other trades, construction materials or finishes. Place protection immediately in temperatures above 77°F (25°C) to avoid potential for blisters.
Insulation Always apply Bituthene membrane directly to primed or conditioned structural substrates. Insulation, if used, must be applied over the membrane. Do not apply Bituthene membranes over lightweight insulating concrete.