Specially formulated low VOC primer for use with Grace self-adhered membranes on green concrete or damp substrates Description: Bituthene® Adhesive Primer B2 LVC is a low VOC primer in solvent specially formulated to provide good initial adhesion of Grace self-adhered membranes.
In addition, its formulation promotes the adhesion of Grace self-adhered membranes to green concrete and damp surfaces. The VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content is < 200 g/L and is compliant with all state and local VOC requirements for Adhesives and Sealants. Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Regulations limit the VOC content in products classified as Adhesive Primers. Refer to Technical Letters at graceconstruction.com for most current list of allowable limits.
Use Bituthene Adhesive Primer B2 LVC is used to prime green concrete (less than seven day cure for normal structural concrete). It is also used to prime damp concrete, masonry, gypsum sheathing or wood surfaces on which Grace self-adhered membranes will be applied. Bituthene Adhesive Primer B2 LVC is used for vertical and horizontal applications at 25ºF (-4ºC) or above.
Safety, Storage and Handling InformationGrace products must be handled properly. Vapors from solvent-based primers and mastic are harmful and flammable. For these products, the best available information on safe handling, storage, personal protection, health and environmental considerations has been gathered. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available at graceconstruction.com and users should acquaint themselves with this information. Carefully read detailed precaution statements on product labels and the MSDS before use.