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Bituthene Liquid Membrane


Grace Construction Products

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Quick Overview

    Bituthene Liquid Membrane

    Two component, elastomeric, liquid applied detailing compound for use with Grace waterproofing membranes
    Bituthene® Liquid Membrane is a two component, elastomeric, cold applied, trowel grade material designed for a variety of uses with the Grace waterproofing systems. The VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content is 10 g/L. Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Regulations limit the VOC content in products classified as Architectural Coatings. Refer to Technical Letters at www.graceconstruction.com for most current list of allowable limits.

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  • Waterproofresistant to water vapor and water pressure
  • Liquid appliedconforms to irregular profiles
  • Tough, rubber-likeflexible and damage resistant
  • Chemically curedunaffected by in-service temperature variations
  • Cold appliedno flame hazard
  • System compatibleformulated for use with Grace waterproofing membrane systems


Bituthene Liquid Membrane is ideally suited for the following uses:
  • Fillet material at inside corners
  • Reinforcement material at inside corners
  • Flashing material around drains, protrusions, curbs and parapets
  • Sealing material at terminations
  • Repair material for defects on concrete surfaces
  • Flashing material at corners
The two parts of Bituthene Liquid Membrane are mixed on site and troweled on to provide a simple and quick waterproofing detailing aid in conjunction with Bituthene, Preprufe® and Procor® systems.

Bituthene Liquid Membrane is completely compatible with Bituthene, Preprufe and Procor, and with existing asphalt or coal tar-based waterproofing materials. It is also compatible with cured silicone and polyurethane sealants. It is not compatible with creosote, pentachlorophenol, linseed oil or polysulfide-based sealants.

Application Procedures:

Safety, Storage and Handling Information
Bituthene products must be handled properly. Vapors from solvent-based primers and mastic are harmful and flammable. For these products, the best available information on safe handling, storage, personal protection, health and environmental considerations has been gathered. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available at graceconstruction.com and users should acquaint themselves with this information. Carefully read detailed precaution statements on product labels and the MSDS before use.

Surface Preparation

All surfaces must be dry and free from dirt, grease, oil, dust or other contaminants. Bituthene Liquid Membrane may be applied at temperatures of 25°F (-4°C) or above. Below 40°F (5°C), store in a warm place before application.

Add the entire contents of the Part B container to Part A and mix for 3 to 5 minutes until uniform. Part A is black and Part B is clear. Take care to scrape material from the side and bottom of the containers to assure thorough mixing. A low speed (150 rpm) mechanical mixer with flat paddle blades is required. Do not apply any material if streaks can be seen due to insufficient mixing.Once mixed, Bituthene Liquid Membrane must be applied by trowel within 1.5 hours. More time is available at lower temperatures. At high temperatures, thickening and curing will be faster. Material that has thickened must be discarded. The material will cure to a very flexible rubber-like material. Bituthene Liquid Membrane must be applied at a minimum thickness of 3/32 in. (2.3 mm) unless otherwise noted on details. In fillet applications, the face of the fillet should be a minimum of 3/4 in. (20 mm). In corner flashing application details, it should extend 6 in. (150 mm) in each direction from the corner. Bituthene Liquid Membrane will adhere to primed or unprimed concrete. Bituthene Liquid Membrane should be allowed to cure at least 24 hours before flood testing.

As a fillet material, 1 gal (3.8 L) will cover approximately 100 linear feet (30 m). As a flashing material, 1 gal (3.8 L) will cover approximately 17 ft2 (1.6 m2). As a fillet and reinforcement, 1 gal (3.8 L) will cover approximately 14 linear feet (4.3 m).

Clean tools and equipment with mineral spirits before Bituthene Liquid Membrane has cured. Mineral spirits is a combustible liquid and should be used only in accordance with the manufacturer’s safety recommendations. Do not use solvents to clean hands or skin.


Unit Size 1.5 gal (5.7 L)
Weight per unit 16 lbs (8 kg)
Units per pallet 100
Additional Information
Manufacturer: Grace Construction Products
For More Information on the Bituthene Liquid Membrane, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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