Low VOC, non-yellowing, and fast drying. Provides excellent protection from the damaging affects of water penetration and staining. It also will enhance the color and impart an attractive gloss to colored and natural concrete surfaces. The product can be applied to existing and new damp concrete surfaces without whitening or yellowing.
CERTI-VEX AC 1315 SUPER SEAL is a ready to use low VOC solvent based curing and sealing compound for new and existing concrete surfaces. Certi-Vex AC 1315 Super Seal leaves a clear hard protective coating and is an excellent cure material for long term concrete performance. Certi-Vex AC 1315 Super Seal provides good protection from the damaging effects of water penetration and staining. It also will enhance the color and impart an attractive gloss to colored and natural concrete surfaces. Certi-Vex AC 1315 Super Seal feature Vexcon’s breathable technology which allows moisture vapor to pass through rather than becoming trapped, preventing whitening, peeling and flaking.
Ideal for both interior and exterior applications on new and existing concrete floors, stucco or brick walls, architectural sections, and vertical poured walls.
The concrete surface must be properly repaired, structurally sound and cleaned. Use Vexcon’s surface prep and cleaning products to properly clean the surface prior to application.
Certi-Vex AC 1315 Super Seal cured concrete can be top coated with a variety of paint, adhesives and mastics, a minimum of 14 days after application. It is strongly suggested that a test area be applied prior to coating the entire surface, since products can adhere to concrete in varying degrees. Check with manufacturer of the topcoat for any precautionary and compatibility information.
Apply after 1st coat has dried at 400-500 sq.ft./gal (10-12.5 m2/L).
Spills should be removed promptly and cleaned. Sealed areas should be cleaned regularly, use StarSeal EF Degreaser & Cleaner for all cleaning requirements. Periodic reapplication may be required as the sealer wears off.
03 39 00: Basis of design, Low VOC solvent based acrylic curing and sealing compound. VOC content less than 350 grams/liter shall conform to ASTM C-309 Type 1 and ASTM C-1315 class A with minimum 25% solids content as manufactured by Vexcon Chemicals.
Note: All calculations based upon 68-77°F (20-25°C). Lower temperatures and relative humidity will extend dry times.
Available in 55-gallon drums, 5-gallon pails and 1 gallon containers