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Certi-Vex Envio Cure White - 500


Vexcon Chemicals

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Quick Overview

    Certi-Vex Envio Cure White - 500

    White pigmented dissipating curing compounds, excellent curing characteristics promoting longer life concrete, low odor, economical. Available in three grades; general purpose commercial, state and federal specifications.

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Construction projects demand water based white pigmented curing products that are D.O.T. approved, meet VOC requirements, are easy to apply, quick drying and cost effective. Vexcon's complete line of curing compounds meet the most demanding specifications and current environmental standards for new concrete. During concretes early hardening stage, our curing compound's protective film ensures low moisture transmission allowing for maximum development of the concretes strength and wear resistance. Our curing compounds have a long and successful track record for providing consistent results and durable, long-lasting concrete. Certi-Vex Envio Cure White is available in a wide range of formulations and packing options to meet the varying needs of today's projects.


  • Provides for complete development of concrete's wear resistance and strength properties
  • Prevents efflorescence, dusting and spalling
  • Low moisture transmission rates
  • Water borne for environmental concerns
  • Cleans up easily with water when wet
  • Economica


  • Exterior paving
  • Walls, columns, median barriers
  • Residential and commercial concrete
  • Sidewalks, curbs and gutters
  • Bridge decks and parapet walls


  • Apply Certi-Vex Envio Cure White as soon as possible after the concrete receives its final finishing, just as the water sheen disappears.
  • Do not add thinner as the product is supplied at the proper consistency for spraying. Dilution will reduce curing efficiency.
  • Thoroughly mix Certi-Vex Envio Cure White by air or mechanical methods before each use to ensure best results and ease of application.
  • Apply by brush, roller or sprayer; however, application by sprayer is preferred. The sprayer should generate at least 40 psi (275 kPa) and spray 1/2 gallon (2 L) of material per minute. The Chapin model 1949 or equivalent is recommended.
  • Contact Vexcon or your distributor for assistance in product application techniques.


  • Apply at 200 sq.ft. /gal. (5.0 m2/L) or less depending on the method of application or specification requirement.


All grades of Certi-Vex Envio Cure White

  • VOC < 350 grams/liter or < 2.92 #/gal
  • Meets
    • US EPA AIM – Concrete Curing Compound
    • OCT – Concrete Curing Compound
    • LADCO/MRPO – Concrete Curing Compound
    • CEPA/EC – Concrete Curing Compound
    • CARB – Concrete Curing Compound
    • SCAQMD – Rule 1113 – Concrete Curing Compound for roads & bridges
  • All grades of Certi-Vex Envio Cure White meet the requirements of ASTM D 869 for non-settling of bulk stored pigmented material.
  • Contact Vexcon for current state D.O.T. approvals.
  • CSI reference: 03 39 23.13

Certi-Vex Envio Cure White 500: A premium white pigmented 100% resin based curing compound designed to meet the toughest performance and testing requirements. The product is non-settling, easy to use, quick drying and resists moisture loss to the lowest levels to ensure the concrete reaches maximum hardness, wear resistance and strength properties. The product is ideal for use where top performance is needed or to meet the strictest specifications of testing agencies. Meets ASTM C-309 Type 2 Class A&B, AASHTO M-148 Type 2 Class A&B, Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) Item P-610-2.11 (e) and is available preapproved by many state Departments of Transportation.


03 39 23.12: White membrane forming dissipating curing compound, complies with ASTM C-309 Type 2 , Class A & B, and VOC Compliant. Manufacture red by Vexcon Chemicals.


  • Certi-Vex Envio Cure White will slowly flake off after exposure to UV, weathering and traffic.
  • Topcoats or adhesives are not normally used over white pigmented curing compounds and are not recommended for use over Certi-Vex Envio Cure White.
  • If Certi·Vex Envio Cure White must be removed, power washing, brushing or use StarSeal EF Stripper is recommended.
  • To clean equipment: When wet use water. When dry use Certi-Vex Equipment Cleaner and flush with water.
  • Mix well before each use.
  • Do not thin this product.
  • Avoid storing and using during periods of excess heat.
  • Do not apply on excessively windy days
  • It is recommended that Vexcon Certi-Vex Envio Assist, evaporation retarder be used when excessive heat or wind is anticipated during application.
  • For best application results, surface temperatures should be between 40°F to 85°F (4.4°C to 29°C).
  • Shelf Life: If properly stored in its original sealed container, one year. Rotate your stock.
  • Storage/ Handling: Store in tightly sealed original factory container. Keep from freezing and exposure to moisture. Store at room temperature prior to use. Care should be taken to keep dirt, water and contaminants away from the opening of containers.


  • Flash Point: >200º F (93º C), TCC
  • Boiling Point, Azeotrop: MS & water 200º F (93º C)
  • Autoignition Temp: ND
  • Extinguishing Media: Foam, C02, Water Fog or spray


Certi-Vex Envio Cure White is available in 275-gallon totes, 55-gallon drums and 5-gallon pails. Contact Vexcon directly to discuss your customized packaging requirements.


This product is a solvent-in-water emulsion. All precautions provided are for the solvent portion, of which this product contains less than 7%.

  • Use only with adequate ventilation.
  • Use of gloves, goggles and other protective clothing is advised when using this product.
  • If swallowed, do not induce vomiting.
  • Use of respirators is advised when using in confined areas.

Vexcon MSDS CC101 is an integral part of the safety and application of our product. A short synopsis is provided in this product data sheet. Before using product, it is advisable to obtain a copy of MSDS CC101 from your distributor or by contacting Vexcon.

Additional Information
Manufacturer: Vexcon Chemicals
For More Information on the Certi-Vex Envio Cure White - 500, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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