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Rebel™ Self Retracting Lifeline - Web

DBI Sala

(click image to enlarge)
SKU / Product InfoQuantity
6 ft. (1.8m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with snap hook, anchorage carabiner.
6 ft. (1.8m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with swiveling snap hook, anchorage carabiner.
6 ft. (1.8m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with snap hook, swiveling anchorage and carabiner.
6 ft. (1.8m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with swiveling snap hook, swiveling anchorage and carabiner.
11 ft. (3.3m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with snap hook, anchorage carabiner.
11 ft. (3.3m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with snap hook, swiveling anchorage and carabiner.
11 ft. (3.3m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with swiveling snap hook, anchorage carabiner.
11 ft. (3.3m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with swiveling snap hook, swiveling anchorage and carabiner.
11 ft. (3.3m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with carabiner, anchorage carabiner.
11 ft. (3.3m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with carabiner, swiveling anchorage and carabiner.
11 ft. (3.3m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with steel rebar hook, anchorage carabiner.
11 ft. (3.3m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with steel rebar hook, swiveling anchorage and carabiner.
15 ft. (4.5m) of 3/16" (5mm) galvanized steel wire rope with swiveling snap hook, swiveling anchorage and carabiner.
20 ft. (6.1m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with snap hook, anchorage carabiner.
20 ft. (6.1m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with snap hook, swiveling anchorage and carabiner.
20 ft. (6.1m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with swiveling snap hook, anchorage carabiner.
20 ft. (6.1m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with swiveling snap hook, swiveling anchorage and carabiner.
20 ft. (6.1m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with carabiner, anchorage carabiner.
20 ft. (6.1m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with carabiner, swiveling anchorage and carabiner.
20 ft. (6.1m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with steel rebar hook, anchorage carabiner.
20 ft. (6.1m) of 1" (2.5cm) polyester web with steel rebar hook, swiveling anchorage and carabiner.
11 ft. (3.3m) of 3/16" (5mm) galvanized steel wire rope with swiveling snap hook, anchorage carabiner.
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    Can't find what you want? Give us a call and we can help you find it.
    The Rebel™ with web lifeline represents a major improvement in economy line self retracting lifelines (SRL). Employers can economically replace simple lanyards with the versatility and added safety of an 11 ft. (3.3m) SRL. The 11 ft. length enhances worker productivity and mobility, nearly doubling the working area of a lanyard without disconnecting. The Rebel™ delivers the best lifeline length-to-weight ratio in the industry. The rugged aluminum housing and stainless steel working components can withstand rough use, yet is extremely lightweight. Our unique thin webbing enables a compact size that is easy to use. The compact design incorporates a smooth case with rounded corners for added comfort and ease-of-use. An SRL’s lifeline will extend as the user moves away, and retract automatically enabling the user to move about within a recommended working area at normal speeds. Should a fall occur, a speed sensing brake system will activate stopping the fall and reducing the forces imposed on the user to safe levels.
    Additional Information
    Manufacturer: DBI Sala
    For More Information on the Rebel™ Self Retracting Lifeline - Web, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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