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Universal Air Couplings - 2 Lug

Jason Industrial

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SKU / Product InfoQuantity
Item Name: Female End Universal Air Couplings-2 Lug; Coupling Material: Iron; Size: 1/4 in; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
Item Name: Female End Universal Air Couplings-2 Lug; Coupling Material: Iron; Size: 3/8 in; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
Item Name: Female End Universal Air Couplings-2 Lug; Coupling Material: Iron; Size: 1/2 in; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
Item Name: Female End Universal Air Couplings-2 Lug; Coupling Material: Iron; Size: 3/4 in; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
Item Name: Female End Universal Air Couplings-2 Lug; Coupling Material: Iron; Size: 1 in; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
Item Name: Hose End Universal Air Couplings-2 Lug; Coupling Material: Iron; Size: 3/8 in; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
Item Name: Hose End Universal Air Couplings-2 Lug; Coupling Material: Iron; Size: 1/2 in; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
Item Name: Hose End Universal Air Couplings-2 Lug; Coupling Material: Iron; Size: 3/4 in; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
Item Name: Hose End Universal Air Couplings-2 Lug; Coupling Material: Iron; Size: 1 in; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
Item Name: Male End Universal Air Couplings-2 Lug; Coupling Material: Iron; Size: 1/4 in; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
Item Name: Male End Universal Air Couplings-2 Lug; Coupling Material: Iron; Size: 3/8 in; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
Item Name: Male End Universal Air Couplings-2 Lug; Coupling Material: Iron; Size: 1/2 in; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
Item Name: Male End Universal Air Couplings-2 Lug; Coupling Material: Iron; Size: 3/4 in; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
Item Name: Male End Universal Air Couplings-2 Lug; Coupling Material: Iron; Size: 1 in; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
Item Name: Washer for 2 Lug Universal; Coupling Material: N/A; Size: N/A; Working Pressure (Maximum PSI): 150
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    Universal crowfoot couplings are recommended to be used in the transfer of air and or water. The application should be in an open system where the air or water is in motion (dynamic) and not in a closed pressurized (static) condition. This dynamic application involves continuous flow, therefore, back pressure would be relieved by the very nature of the application. The applicable system should contain pressure relief valves to relieve any excess pressure. Safety clips and safety cables should be installed on either side of the coupling connection. The rated, maximum working pressure of Universal Crowfoot Air Hose Couplings is 150 psi (at ambient temperature [70°F]) for all parts: HE, ME, FE. Universal Air Hose Couplings should NEVER be used for steam service.
    Additional Information
    Manufacturer: Jason Industrial
    For More Information on the Universal Air Couplings - 2 Lug, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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