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Creto Deep Penetrating Slr

Victor Technologies Intl, Inc.

(click image to enlarge)
SKU / Product InfoQuantity
Size: 5 Gal
Quick Overview
  • Densifies, hardens, strengthens, and greatly extends life of concrete treated

  • Water based, totally non-toxic, environmentally and ecologically friendly

  • A one time application and permanent solution

  • Waterproofs (hold
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Creto DPS is a PERMANENT, ONE TIME application sealant that completely waterproofs, strengthens, cures, dustproofs, and preserves most masonry and cement-type surfaces. By penetrating deep and reacting with the free lime and alkali present in concrete, Creto DPS solidifies the masonry into a solid, non-porous mass. This creates a permanent internal seal that BECOMES PART OF THE MASONRY – not just a surface coating. Creto DPS protects without changing the color or texture of the surface.
Additional Information
Manufacturer: Victor Technologies Intl, Inc.
For More Information on the Creto Deep Penetrating Slr, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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