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Deck O Weld

W.R. Meadows

(click image to enlarge)
SKU / Product InfoQuantity
Size: 5 Gl Pail
Quick Overview
  • Forms an excellent bond to concrete.

  • Functions effectively for interior repairs between new-to-old concrete.

  • Offers superior flexural, adhesive, and impact strengths, plus excellent abrasion resistance.

  • Provides a h
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DECK-O-WELD bonding agent is a high solids content, water dispersion of bonding polymers, compounded specifically for modifying Portland cement, plastic, and stucco compositions. It is a milky white, non-yellowing liquid, ready for use as an interface or intramix bonding agent. When properly mixed and applied, DECK-O-WELD forms a tenacious bond between new-to-old concrete.
Additional Information
Manufacturer: W.R. Meadows
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