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Deutsch - DTP04 Series External Hinged Connector Interfaces

Harness Flex

(click image to enlarge)
SKU / Product InfoQuantity
Conduit Size NC:-; NW:-; BxCxDxExF (Nominal Dimensions):- x 27 x 35 x 25 x 27
Conduit Size NC:12; NW:7.5; BxCxDxExF (Nominal Dimensions):10 x 27 x 37 x 25 x 28
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    Single compact 90° elbow fitting providing a dual orientation high integrity connection between the Deutsch DTP04 and Harnessflex conduit systems. These fittings are designed to snap together over all types of slit and unslit conduit thus maintaining maximum conduit bore. The 16-90-DTP04 adaptor will snap into the outlet of a 16mm hinged fitting including types ‘Y’ (YPS), ‘T’ (TPS), elbows (EPS) and joiners (JPS).
    Additional Information
    Manufacturer: Harness Flex
    For More Information on the Deutsch - DTP04 Series External Hinged Connector Interfaces, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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