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Endurable Polymer Pavement - 3 gallon concentrate


Endurable Concrete Products

Endurable Polymer Pavement is a unique product, which provides an alternative to costly asphalt, concrete, or cement-based overlay systems. Product is a two-component system, which incorporates the use of readily available sand to create a durable surface. One of the excellent benefits is that stain and sealer may be applied as soon as the product is dry enough to walk upon, typically within 24 hours of application. Incorporating the use of Endurable Concrete Stain and Endurable Concrete Sealer results in a long-lasting and beautiful surface, capable of handling heavy traffic, including industrial forklift traffic. Not only is the durability phenomenal, but the chemical resistance is outstanding as well. Endurable Polymer Pavement may be applied over almost any existing surface that is stable.
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview
    • Excellent durability - suitable for commercial use including forklift traffic
    • Lower cost than alternative products such as concrete, asphalt, and cement-based overlay systems
    • Incredibly easy to apply. Less costly and less time intensive than alternative epoxy coating systems
    • May be applied directly over troweled concrete without grinding
    • Numerous fill material options, including sand
    • Product can receive stain and sealer immediately after product is dry to the touch - typically 4 to 6 hours
    • Infinite appearance options when used in conjunction with ENDURABLE stains and sealers
    • Excellent longevity
    • Low VOC content
    • Fast drying
    • Good early water resistance
    • Bonds well to almost any stable surface
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Additional Information
Manufacturer: Endurable Concrete Products
For More Information on the Endurable Polymer Pavement - 3 gallon concentrate, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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