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680mm Panel Sizing blade for Horizontal Beam Saw



680mm x 60T Panel Sizing blade for Horizontal Beam Saw
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview

    Freud is one of the few manufacturers of woodworking tools in the world that produces its own Micrograin Carbide for each tool application.

    • Triple chip tooth with positive cutting angle.
    • Silent Sawblade
    • Anti-vibration Design
    • Silver I.C.E. Coating prevents build up on the blade surface and keeps the blade running cooler and cleaner
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  • Triple chip tooth with positive cutting angle.
  • Silent Sawblade
  • Anti-vibration Design
  • Silver I.C.E. Coating prevents build up on the blade surface and keeps the blade running cooler and cleaner
  • Additional Information
    Manufacturer: Freud
    For More Information on the 680mm Panel Sizing blade for Horizontal Beam Saw, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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